AI: Learning to Think

Robots and computers have so far been conceived to perform punctual tasks and exercises in order to help humans with their daily tasks. What would happen if we managed to incorporate learning capabilities into the way they operate? Current biologically-inspired neural models resemble, to a certain extent, the way toddlers learn to perform tasks in the early stages of childhood development. Based on this, Max Versace has designed and developed neuromorphic software to allow smarter machines to become autonomous and adapt to unexpected challenges in many fields of interest. The impact of such sophisticated robots will be considered by Toby Walsh whose research focuses on how optimisation, social choice and game theory interact with artificial intelligence.

Raphaël Holca-Lamarre, Researcher at Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience

Max Versace, CEO, Neurala Inc. and Director of BU Neuromorphics Lab

Toby Walsh, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at UNSW

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